Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Photo Hunt #16: "My 2nd Job" EXTENDED THRU DEC 12!

It's been requested that I extend this week's photo hunt, so this one will run through Dec. 12th. Be sure to comment with "extra credit" if you've done the extra credit under the Win a Prize! tab above.

All of us know that our first jobs are to take care of our humans. They're very delicate, albeit gigantic, creatures, who need lots of love and dedication, and require constant monitoring of their physical and mental states to determine the appropriate response to make them feel better. As exhausting and time consuming as that can be, many of us manage somehow to actually have second jobs.

Some of you might be babysitters, therapy dogs, moms or dads...

Mom met a golden retriever named Gracie this week at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Woodland Hills, California. Gracie's second job is as a therapy dog. She visits people in the hospital every Monday. She's also a really good listener and kids read to her at libraries, when they might not be as comfortable reading out loud to adults. She does other stuff, too, comforting people in different kinds of crisis, with her best friend, human Claudine Singer. She works with several organizations, including Hope Anipal-Assisted Crisis Response.

What's your second job?

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